Monday, March 16, 2009

Recap Sunday Media Day

Although, I have been doing some form of Media at the Church over the past 9 years. On Monday, I find myself recapping all of Sundays' Media Day - the good, the bad and the ugly. I like to list improvements or training that must be done, some more important than others. First, I must understand the answer of what has to be addressed - customer interaction, new software, new hardware, etc... After research and thought - which could last an hour or two days, the next course of action is dictated by how major the change is – Only two categories’, ASAP and ASAP. I am faced with the a couple of questions, how do I find time to train the team? Considering my schedule and theirs. How do I make it understandable for all? How this process is done can make a big difference to how successful we are as a whole!

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